About Us

Meet the Owners

We are a brother-sister team, Adam and Blakely, and we started Fenton Golf in 2022. We have spent the majority of our life playing golf, a significant amount of time working in the industry, and now we're ready to cut our own fairway.

We are a boutique golf shop filled with nostalgia. We are aiming to capture the feeling we had as children on the golf course. Fenton Golf has a small town feel, welcoming atmosphere, comfortable apparel, and fun events.

Meet Fenton

Fenton was our paternal grandfather. He was the architect of a long line of golfers that continues to grow today. He instilled a passion and a belief that golf should be enjoyed by all.

We'd like to bring his love of golf and inclusiveness within the game and share it with the world.

Meet Jon Robert Fenton

Jon Robert Fenton was our father. Fenton Golf was started with him, and he was the foundation of our vision. He unexpectedly passed away in his sleep in June of 2022, shortly after the company inception.

He was a cowboy, entrepreneur, and most importantly, an accomplished golfer. The legacy he left on the course was long drives, buttery fades, and the wisdom to "take the extra club and swing easy".